Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why men can fool their wives hehehe

Well I started my job last Saturday, it's a lot to pick up on, but I will get it soon. There are some things about it that frustrate me, like one you can never really find a manager around, your not sure who your supervisor is, they don't schedule a lunch for you, you just have to take it when you find coverage, and three they are taking forever to get me my employee ID so I'm hoping the hours I spent training shows up on my first check. It's frustrating, I have a feeling they are gonna put me up at Customer Service, they put everyone else at the cash registers but me, I hate customer service, but hey that's what I get for having Supervisor experience in retail. It's good money until I get a Dental Assisting job. Bren has been doing good, he has been continuing his training for his job. Yesterday we needed to cash a check and we couldn't cash it anywhere so we decided to open a savings account with Eglin Credit Union it's only 5 dollars to open a savings account so we though we mind as well while we were there. Brennan's Airman friends mastermind a stupid plan that back fired on them. They said that it's Military Appreciation week and that they get free pizza, so they told Me and Katie (one of the airman's wife) to stay home while they got get pizza and bring it back, which made no sense to me cause I could have sworn I heard one of them say it was for Military and Family. So we called the pizza place when they left and found out it's a pizza buffet and bar. So while they were having fun eating pizza and drinking beer, I had to stay with Katie and her one year old child who is cranky and crying cause his is teething! We were so made at the guys!! So we went to Wendy's and had no problem ordering us whatever we wanted, and BOY WAS I HUNGRY. Bren claims he didn't know, he though it was a pizza joint for family too. Brennan knows I have a good way of putting things together and finding out the truth, but I believe Bren, he is always asking his guy friends if I can come along. Bren's two friends thought we wouldn't know what they were doing but we caught them 2 minutes after they left hahaha! Never underestimate a girl, especially if she's your wife! Oh and funny thing, it really made me crack up laughing, we called the guys told them that we were heading to Wendys and they said that was fine, so when they came home last night THEY BROUGH US A SLICE OF PIZZA! hahah like that was gonna make it better, we told them we were going to get something to eat. I couldn't be mad, this was just to funny of a story to get mad at them at. I told the guys if they wanted a guy night to just tell me, I wouldn't care, but I guess they didn't cause Katie would have been mad. I'm not her! Brennan said that next time he is bringing me, cause I'm fun to hang around, I know how to act like one of the guys. Well when you grow up with five brothers what else do you expect. We went to beach last Friday, pretty huh!? It's better to go towards the end of the day, it's cool, the water is warm, PERFECTION!

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