Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Our new home and Puppy!

The movers finally came! We set up all our stuff that day. It was a days project and boy was I tired at the end of the day! That Saturday we drove to Raiford, located on the very far East of Florida. It was a 4-5 hour drive both ways, in which I drove. The reason why I drove is because Brennan come home from work Saturday at 6am and then we had to leave an hour later at 7, so by the time we came back he would only have 3 and half hours to sleep until he would head to work again. So I made sure he slept in the car. I hate driving. It reminded me how much of a pain it was getting to Florida. Anyways, we got our Charlie, he is an angel. Brennan and I find it odd though that he is very needy. He follows us around everywhere, has to sleep in bed with us, and he cries when we leave the room. It's so cute though when your laying with him he will rest his head on your neck or shoulder and sleep. I never thought a puppy could be this love able, he is constantly loving on us. We gonna go out to the movies on Saturday, we terrified the neighbors are gonna get mad at us cause of how loud Charlie will be. Wish us luck! I'm not feeling good right, first I thought it was allergies, but now after last night, I think it's a really bad cold!. I can't breath through my nose, I have an ichy feeling in the back of my throat and nose and I have really bad head congestion, it's like a headache! Oh not to mention Charlie wakes up two times a night to go to the bathroom. He's a good one though!

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